Friday, July 22, 2011

The Pain Has No Teeth

The man wishes to remain anonymous but he gave me permission to post this. He said he had almost finished reading When a Man You Love Was Abused.

I think one of the things that's changed the past month is the pain. Every time the pain comes, I run away. Lately, the pain has been quite severe. However, I'm starting to see that the pain has no teeth. It cannot hurt me. I think that it may be a tool the Lord intends to use to bring needed change, freedom, and strength. I've already noticed a significant paradigm shift.

Things I used to run after to escape the pain are losing their appeal. I'm starting to see myself how others see me instead of through the lens of helplessness and inferiority. I'm sure there is still a ways to go, but it's nice to move beyond some roadblocks and live life with a little more breathing space.


Megan said...

What an amazing truth! Thank you for sharing this with us. I wonder if you have considered adding "Twitter" and "Google+" and "facebook" share buttons to your blog so that those of us who reach out to others through social media may more easily share your blog posts? Just a thought. One of my blog followers just ordered "When a Man You Love Was Abused" and is very excited to see if it will help her support the men in her life who are hurting. Blessings to you!

james said...

The hurts in life were mere dissapointments but the pain was Fear. After 52 years of pain it seems the flaming arrows just keep comeing.Ephesians 6:10-19 is the only thing that keeps me going. The suit of armor is my only hope but the pain is still present as are the memories.When the memories are not my fault,why don't the pain go away? All i want is freedom or a drop of rain to take away the drought of unhappyness.

Anonymous said...

The hurts in life were mere dissapointments but the pain was Fear. After 52 years of pain it seems the flaming arrows just keep comeing.Ephesians 6:10-19 is the only thing that keeps me going. The suit of armor is my only hope but the pain is still present as are the memories.When the memories are not my fault,why don't the pain go away? All i want is freedom or a drop of rain to take away the drought of unhappyness.

July 23, 2011 8:06 PM