Friday, May 16, 2014

Healing Creatively (Part 2 of 2)

(This post comes from John Joseph*.)

Recovery can often be sidetracked by self-pity. I know this because I’ve spent an ungodly amount of time feeling sorry for myself. If only I had that time back to pursue my healing, how much better I would be! Of course, that time is spent now and I only have today to work on my issues. I must use today as wisely as I can. That’s where creativity comes in.

Creativity is an innate quality of the human soul. We can choose to develop it or ignore it, but those of us who deal with the remnants of childhood sexual trauma have a greater need to be creative about life and how we live it. In my previous post I pointed out that creativity isn’t always about art, but more often about artfulness.

How can we heal creatively? How can we choose to use every resource available to us creatively to be better people, despite a rough start?

The first place to start is by taking a creative inventory. Look around you now. What’s at hand? What books have you read to find healing? What music causes your soul to soar again? What prayers or friends or groups seem to never fail to reconnect you with your humanity, your essence, your soul? As you identify these paths to healing, use them well. Use them creatively to find yourself again.

*John Joseph is a pseudonym of a pastor. He's a regular contributor to this blog.

1 comment:

Andrew J. Schmutzer said...

The point made here has been so true of my life, as well. I tell my wife that I never heard birds like I did after my healing was underway, and the color blue was never so blue.

My computer is always playing music that helps me: baroque and Russian choral vocals. I also write prayers, for myself and those who've found no words yet. Wonderful to see this highlighted in as part of healing (don't forget gardening and dance!).